sub viewer
sub viewer

1.5.6.TheSubtitleViewer·SelecttheSubtitleViewertabintherightuppercorneroftheELANwindow·Inthepull-downmenu,clickonthetieryouwantto ...,2024年1月4日—Watchsubtitlesinyourpreferredlanguagealongsideexistingsubtitleswithjustoneclick!Supportedsites-netf...

Subtitle Viewer

WithSubtitleVieweryoucandownloadandviewsubtitlesonyourandroidphone.Thesubtitlesaredisplayedinrealtimeandthecurrenttextpassageis ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

1.5.6. The Subtitle Viewer

1.5.6. The Subtitle Viewer · Select the Subtitle Viewer tab in the right upper corner of the ELAN window · In the pull-down menu, click on the tier you want to ...

closed caption

2024年1月4日 — Watch subtitles in your preferred language alongside existing subtitles with just one click! Supported sites - netflix - youtube - udemy ...

Pinbloop Sub-Viewer

2021年9月14日 — 恨的過程?我們也是。 Pinbloop子查看器。在punchlisting過程簡單而有效的分包商參與。 Pinbloop子Viewer是一個分包商誰是採用Pinbloop Punchlist創建 ...

Subtitle Viewer

With Subtitle Viewer you can download and view subtitles on your android phone. The subtitles are displayed in realtime and the current text passage is ...

Subtitle Viewer for Android

2024年1月4日 — Subtitle Viewer is an Android application designed to help you find and view subtitles in real-time. With this app, you can synchronize ...

Subtitle Viewer for Android

Download Subtitle Viewer for Android, one of the most popular apps from the developer Benjamin Bisinger, and for free. Find it in

Subtitles Viewer

2023年5月1日 — View subtitles - sync up with television or movies at home or at the cinema!

Subtitles Viewer! on the App Store

Brilliant for when you're at a cinema watching a movie, and you need subtitles in your native language! Great for the hard of hearing and deaf community.

在App Store 上的「Subtitles Viewer!」

View subtitles on your iOS device synchronized with television or movies on your TV, or at the cinema. Brilliant for when you're at a cinema watching a ...


1.5.6.TheSubtitleViewer·SelecttheSubtitleViewertabintherightuppercorneroftheELANwindow·Inthepull-downmenu,clickonthetieryouwantto ...,2024年1月4日—Watchsubtitlesinyourpreferredlanguagealongsideexistingsubtitleswithjustoneclick!Supportedsites-netflix-youtube-udemy ...,2021年9月14日—恨的過程?我們也是。Pinbloop子查看器。在punchlisting過程簡單而有效的分包商參與。Pinbloop子Viewer是一個分包商誰是採...